Did Shiva really teach 8,400,000 asanas? How many asanas are there? How long is the list? The exact number of asanas is determined by who you ask! The history of yoga asanas on Wikipedia does a good job explaining the exact number of asanas within particular disciplines, giving various counts of 2, 4, 66 with 136 variations, 84, 908 with 1300 variations and the 8,400,000 Shiva list.
The Goraksha Samhita or Goraksha Paddhathi, considered the oldest of Hatha Yogic texts lists the 84 classic poses but only describes two in detail: Siddhasana and Padmasana. The Hatha Yoga Padipika also lists the 84 classic poses and states that the first four are necessary or vital to attain yogic perfection: Siddhasana, Padmasana, Bhadrasana (also known in more contemporary texts as Baddha Konasana, bound angle butterfly pose) and Simhasana.
84 Classic Yoga Asanas.pdf
The Kripalu Yoga and Ayurveda Association (KYAA) is an organization for yoga teachers and Ayurvedic health counselors to share the knowledge and benefits of yoga and Ayurveda. KYAA inspires teachers by providing a sense of community and connection.
Tish Ganey is a Certified Yoga Therapist (C-IAYT). The International Association of Yoga Therapists confirms certification to practitioners who have completed professional training in yoga therapy and promotes yoga research. Tish does Big Data Yoga research incorporating "smart" wearable technology to track the biometrics of specific yoga styles, poses, and duration to understand yoga's effect on the autonomic nervous system.
Many students of the yoga tradition know that Sri Tirumalai Krishnamacharya (1888 - 1989) is credited with being the father of modern yoga, but most remain foggy about the details of his life and even foggier about the books he wrote.
One is an untranslated autobiography in Tamil, one is a commentary on the Yoga Sutras,[2] two are books of spiritual poetry of about 30 slokas[3] each, and four are compositions on yoga practice. The Yoga Rahasya belongs to the latter group.
Yogacharya Sundaram was part of an emerging movement to blend yoga with body building in the 1920s. He was known to K and had a gym and a great following in nearby Bangalore in the years K was active in Mysore. Few could match K in eloquence and textual knowledge, and Sundaram was not even in the running. With fun punctuation, strange spellings, far-out phrases, erratic syntax and odd capitalizations, he creates a mythic scene to introduce his yoga for fitness in his The Secret of Happiness or, Yogic Physical Culture [sic] from 1928:
K unifies the categories of modern practice by featurizing them with the bhakti yoga of devotion (first firmly articulated in the Bhagavad Gita) and thence directing them toward the Highest. Consistent with his promotion of the householder path throughout his career, K explains that you can adjust yoga to whatever stage of life you find yourself in and still get the fruit of an ultimate sadhana (spiritual method).
[19] Iyengar, B. K. S., Astadala Yogamala , vol. 6, 2010, New Delhi: Allied Publishers, Limited, p. 108, and Desikachar, K., Ibid. He also taught yoga to his sons, ofcourse. Sri T.K. Srinivasan, (b. 1936) was well-versed in Yoga, and became an authority on the Indian philosophies of Nyaya and Mimamsa. His other sons are Sri T.K.V. Desikachar (b. 1938) and Sri T.K. Sribhashyam (b. 1940). He had a third daughter, Shubha, after 1940.
[21]Sri Tirumalai. Krishnamacharya quoted from memory by his son, T. K. V. Desikachar, in Desai, Gita, Director, 2004, Yoga Unveiled: The Evolution and Essence of a Spiritual Tradition, (DVD), yogaunveiled.com
Standing yoga postures require both strength and flexibility, and are a major part of a balanced hatha yoga practice. Standing poses are generally held for shorter times than other poses, usually from 2-4 breaths, and tend to be more energetically uplifting and opening. This category contains the most of the advanced asanas, so it is important for beginners to focus on the basic standing poses to build a solid understanding and foundation of alignment and muscular engagement.
It is best to find a qualified yoga instructor to teach you the alignment of the standing yoga poses. You should work first on mastering Mountain Pose as it is the foundation of all of the other standing asanas. Progress to the classic standing poses like triangle and the warrior poses. A consistent yoga practice and following our beginner yoga guide will yield the best and fastest results.
There are approximately 36 primary standing asanas in yoga. Check out our list of standing yoga poses by image, name and level below. You will find step-by-step instructions, pose benefits, modifications, and Sanskrit pronunciation for each pose. 2ff7e9595c