Vance would not stop fucking me and making me cum with his BIG BLACK COCK! I felt bad for his woman Claire, so I invited her to sit on his cock while I sat on his face! Then, all of a sudden the exterminator shows up. Real stuff, we know he could hear me moaning as he stood by the door. LOL! I sent him home but he knows I was fucking! I got back and shoved that huge shaft down her throat for her. She looked like she needed my help, hahaha! Oh look, Vance just stuck his thumb up my ass and my husband is smiling, lol! Claire likes to share and I like my husband see me take a big dark dick up my wet pussy! Does your wife let you watch her fuck big black dick? She should, she would be as happy as I am as Vance drills us non stop.
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Exterminator in italian 720p